7 Reasons To Market To Customers With Recalls

Automotive service marketing is often overlooked because many people view car maintenance and repair as a necessary expense rather than a discretionary purchase. Unlike buying a new car or upgrading to a higher-end vehicle, getting routine maintenance or repairs doesn't have the same level of excitement or perceived value.

Additionally, many consumers may feel that all automotive service providers are the same, leading to a lack of differentiation and difficulty standing out in a crowded market.

Lastly, because automakers tend to provide co-op marketing dollars for sales but rarely for service dealers don't have the same level of resources for fixed ops as they do variable, so there is little to no budget or expertise to invest in sophisticated marketing campaigns or initiatives. As a result, automotive service marketing often takes a back seat to other more visible and perceived more important marketing efforts in the sales department.

One road into Automotive Service Marketing in 2023 from the dealer perspective is using the one advantage they have over the Jiffy Lubes and Independent garages: The ability to perform safety recalls on behalf of the automaker.

Only certified technicians or authorized franchise dealerships can perform the recalls with the correct parts. This is one clear advantage to entice consumers to come into the dealership vs going to Oil Can Henry’s. Below are 7 Reasons why marketing to customers using open recalls is a great campaign for the service and parts departments.

  1. Safety

    The primary reason for marketing to customers with open recalls on their vehicles is safety. If a customer's vehicle has an open recall, it means that there is a potential safety issue that needs to be addressed. By reaching out to these customers and encouraging them to bring their vehicles in for repair, you can help ensure that they are driving safe and reliable vehicles.

  2. Compliance

    Automakers are legally required to notify customers of open recalls and encourage them to bring their vehicles in for repair at a local dealership. By proactively marketing to customers with open recalls, dealers can demonstrate that they are committed to ensuring customer safety.

  3. Customer satisfaction

    When customers receive proactive communication from dealers about open recalls, they are more likely to feel valued and appreciated. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction, which can ultimately lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

  4. Local Brand Reputation

    In today's highly competitive automotive market, local brand reputation of a dealership is more important than ever. By proactively addressing open recalls and ensuring customer safety, dealers can build a positive reputation for their local brand and establish themselves as leaders in the industry.

  5. Greater Sense Of Urgency

    Marketing to customers with open recalls provides a greater sense of urgency than 15% off their Brake Pads or a 29.99 Oil Change. On the news you often hear of recalled vehicles causing injuries or death as a result of a known safety issue that was not addressed. Customers understand that recalls require more attention than your run of the mill coupon communication. By proactively addressing open recalls and encouraging customers to bring their vehicles in for safety reasons at no charge to them is motivating.

  6. Guaranteed Work

    Since the dealer knows how many hours they will get paid for recall work they know they have warranty work guaranteed and if they can upsell some customer pay as well. Even a simple flash for a recall gives the service department a chance to scan codes and inspect the vehicle for any other items the customer may want to take care of alongside the recall.

  7. Re-Activate Customers

    Every dealership has customers who did business with the store and then stopped at some point. Whether it was someone who only wanted to purchase the car and is servicing elsewhere or if the customers had a previously bad experience in the service department Recall campaigns are a great way at a second chance. For customers who have not been back in the dealership for over 12 months a recall is a good way to re-activate that customer for warranty work, a chance at customer pay, and in the future another car purchase if they are towards the end of their time with their current vehicle.

In summary, marketing to customers with open recalls on their vehicles is important for several reasons, including safety, compliance, customer satisfaction, local brand reputation, work for the shop and for customer retention. By proactively addressing open recalls and ensuring customer safety, dealers can build a positive reputation for their brand locally and establish themselves as leaders in the industry.


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